Body & Soul, Healed & Whole:

An Invitational Guide to Healthy Sexuality After Trauma, Abuse, & Coercive Control

If you’re a survivor of sexual harm, recovering your sexuality is possible. You are worthy of good care.

This book is a lifeline for Christian women who need an honest path to healing after her sexuality has been shattered by harm.

Releases Tuesday, 01 April 2025

With honest wisdom and empathetic understanding, Body & Soul, Healed & Whole will help you discover how to:

  • Process your story of abuse—whether it occurred as a child, within marriage, or by someone in a position of power—without shame,

  • Develop healthy relationships with God, with ourselves, and with others (including those of the opposite sex)

  • Reconnect with your good body and establish a foundation for healthy sexuality, whether currently married or single

  • Identify and address any spiritual abuse that may have taken place within sexually abusive relationships

  • Understand what arousal structures are, how they’re formed and distorted by abuse, and how to shift them when needed for healing.

  • Incorporate practical skills for self-care during your healing process

Pre-order at one of these amazing booksellers or call and ask your local bookstore to carry it!

  • A Road Map to Wholeness

    For women whose sexuality has been marred by abuse and trauma, this book is like a warm hug that gives you the courage and strength to move forward! It’s the book I’ve been looking for as I hear, day in and day out, from women who have been left broken, their arousal maps distorted, while they try to navigate sex, desire, and relationships. Tabitha shows bottomless empathy without shying away from the truths about what healing work looks like. You’ll end this book with a sigh of relief and a road map to wholeness.

    SHEILA WRAY GREGOIRE, founder of Bare Marriage and coauthor of The Great Sex Rescue

  • The Message Our Hearts Have Needed All Along

    Body & Soul, Healed & Whole is the message our hearts have needed all along. What a powerful resource. This book is for you. It’s for your mother, your sister, your friend. It’s for a world of women who, for far too long, have had to carry the burden of their physical, emotional, and sexual trauma alone. You are not alone.

    YOLANDA HARPER, LCSW, trauma and relationship therapist, TEDx speaker, author of Soul Sabbatical

  • A Practical & Essential Guide

    My friend Tabitha Westbrook’s work, as well as her own personal story, grants her deep empathy and qualifies her to point the way toward healing and wholeness—in both body and soul. This book is a practical and essential guide for those whose sexuality has been shattered and for those of us who care for them.

    GREG WILSON, DEDMin, LPC-S, coauthor of When Home Hurts

  • A Lifeline for Women

    Tabitha Westbrook offers a pathway to healing that is deeply compassionate and rooted in biblical truth. Body & Soul, Healed & Whole is a lifeline for women who have been wounded and silenced, longing to break free from the chains of abuse and embrace the abundant life Jesus offers.

    CHRIS MOLES, pastor and author of The Heart of Domestic Abuse

  • Deeply Compassionate

    Tabitha Westbrook combines her own story of survival with her vast knowledge and experience as a Christian therapist to help survivors of abuse engage with the difficult topics of sex and sexuality. This book is deeply compassionate and handles a difficult topic with straightforward but careful language. Any female abuse survivor who struggles to find a healthy and God-honoring view of sexuality will find hope and practical guidance from this book.

    BETH M. BROOM, LPC-S, executive director of Christian Trauma Healing Network and contributing author in Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse

  • Defender of Women

    I’m so thankful for the work Tabitha Westbrook does and the way she pours out her life for those who are vulnerable or have been silenced. She’s a friend to and defender of women, and she knows what she’s talking about. Listen to her, for she is wise.

    ELYSE FITZPATRICK, coauthor of Worthy

  • A Good Guide

    I have had the privilege of watching Tabitha Westbrook enjoy the Lord and seek to serve others for the last several years. Her heart and expertise come through in the pages of this book. There is healing for the deep trauma of our souls found in Jesus Christ. This book is a good guide.

    MATT CHANDLER, lead pastor of The Village Church

  • Authentic and Substantial

    In a world of clichés and sound bites, Tabitha Westbrook has written something that is both authentic and substantial. Tabitha has spent years of her life restoring the health of people who have been crushed by abuse. In this book, she combines her years of experience with academic rigor and biblical truth. Pastors who love their congregations should have multiple copies of this book to hand out as needed, but more than that, I pray that all leaders will spend thoughtful time in these pages. No book released this year will be as beneficial as this one.

    MICHAEL RAMSEY, PHD, pastor, Hillsborough, NC

  • Truly an Invitation

    Body & Soul, Healed & Whole is truly an invitation to examine the messages and events that have impacted our relationship with our body, as well as the ability to heal those to again to become sexual beings in the way that God intended. Tabitha Westbrook does a superior job of blending the elements of research, psychological knowledge, biblical references, and story, resulting in a book that will draw you in. Her gentle, healing nature and presence come through the words on the page as she guides and opens the reader to very direct and honest discussion about the impact of abuse and the manipulation of God’s Word on the sexual relationship with ourselves and others. I highly recommend this book as a part of your healing!

    CYNDI DOYLE, LPC-S, NCC, CDWF, creator of Code4Couples

  • Clinical Expertise, Wise Insight, Practical Guidance

    Tabi Westbrook combines the unflinching story of her own experiences of trauma with her wisdom and extensive healing knowledge in this important book. Despite the difficult subject matter, the chapters are engaging and readable, offering the reader exercises and nurturing. Tabi’s voice is genuine and professional, taking readers through what can be a tough journey with humor and a comforting tone. The book combines clinical expertise with wise insight and practical guidance, and is highly recommended for anyone who has experienced trauma, abuse, or coercive control as well as for professionals working with such clients.

    LYNN M. MCLEAN, LCSW-S, Houston Family Therapy Associates

  • Lifts the Heavy Weight of Shame

    In Body & Soul, Healed & Whole, Tabitha Westbrook gently lifts the heavy weight of shame that has burdened too many women as they seek to heal and reclaim their sexuality after the devastation of sexual assault and sexual abuse. Her fresh insights and practical strategies offer genuine hope for anyone living with the pain of such hurt.

    GEORGIA SHAFFER, professional certified coach, PA licensed psychologist, author of Taking Out Your Emotional Trash, founder of ReBUILD after Divorce

  • A Powerful Resource for Survivors and Clinicians

    This book gives voice to those who have intimately known oppression, guiding readers into a gentle path toward healing. Courageously sharing her own story, Tabitha creates a space where survivors can feel truly seen and heard in experiences that are often beyond words. With a compassionate blend of scriptural wisdom and clinical expertise, this book is a powerful resource for both survivors seeking healing and clinicians striving to deepen their understanding of trauma recovery. Tabitha reveals profound strength and grace of spirit, and she inspires hope in those who encounter her journey.

    DAN HUNT, PHD, marriage and family therapist, Arkansas Family Therapy & Consulting

  • Warmth and Compassion

    Body & Soul, Healed & Whole brings together trauma theory and the lived experiences of survivors in an understandable, relatable, conversational style that highlights the struggles and victories paving the road to healing and health. Tabi’s warmth and compassion wrap around you from page one and carry you through the practical exercises and mindset shifts she lays out in each chapter. Highly recommended for anyone who has experienced trauma.

    GINA AGUAYO, PHD, founder and CEO of Blue Square Counseling and Wellness

  • Bold and Unflinching

    Finally, a bold and unflinching Christian guide for survivors of sexual abuse. This book doesn’t shy away from the toughest of topics about healing from sexual trauma. Part memoir, part practical guide, Body & Soul, Healed & Whole will not disappoint. Tabi knows this topic because she has lived it. Both as a survivor of abuse who is traveling on the road to her own recovery and as a seasoned guide on the front lines of recovery, Tabi is leading countless women to healing and connection. This will be a trusted resource for years to come.

    RYAN RUSS, LPC, CSAT, BSP, EMDR I & II, CTTc, CTCYM, cofounder of The Finding Place Counseling and Recovery

  • A Treasure for Those Healing

    I have known and loved Tabitha Westbrook, and her ministry to abuse survivors, since God providentially brought us together in 2017. As a survivor herself, she can speak firsthand to the unique challenges of healing from abuse and trauma, and that is why this book is so powerful. Throughout it, you will find parts of Tabitha’s own healing journey alongside practical exercises to help soothe both body and soul. Those seeking to heal from sexual abuse and to understand God’s design for healthy sexuality will find this book a treasure.

    JOY FORREST, Founder of Called to Peace Ministries, author of Called to Peace