Interviews & Videos
Tabitha’s Interviews with Called to Peace Ministries
Tabitha often partners with Called to Peace Ministries to educate survivors on domestic abuse & coercive control topics. Here you can find all her interviews in one convenient playlist!
Tabitha’s Other Interviews
Did you miss one of Tabitha’s other interviews? Here’s a convenient playlist of them for you!


Books I recommend:
Anatomy of the Soul
Dr. Curt Thompson
The Reason for God
Timothy Keller
When Narcissism Comes to Church
Chuck DeGroat
The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk
Is It Abuse?
Darby Strickland
Altogether You
Jenna Riemersma
When Home Hurts
Jeremy Pierre & Greg Wilson
Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse
Chris Moles
Healing What’s Within
Chuck DeGroat