Books I recommend:
Anatomy of the Soul
Dr. Curt Thompson
The Reason for God
Timothy Keller
When Narcissism Comes to Church
Chuck DeGroat
The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk
Is It Abuse?
Darby Strickland
Altogether You
Jenna Riemersma
When Home Hurts
Jeremy Pierre & Greg Wilson
Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse
Chris Moles
Overcoming the Impacts of Sexual Betrayal
Domestic abuse often includes sexual betrayal. Join Tabitha for information on how to heal sexual betrayal you have experienced.
A Whole-brain & Whole-person Approach to Healing Trauma
We can’t heal unless we address our whole selves. It’s vitally important to treat the whole person to heal all that the trauma of domestic abuse destroys.
Red Flags
Identifying red flags in a relationship - keep yourself out of an abusive relationship! We promise, those red flags do not mean it’s a carnival!
The Intersection of Theology & Domestic Abuse
This is a conversation with Pastor Dan Boeck, Therapist Tabitha Westbrook, and Founder of CTPM Joy Forrest about a vitally important topic for all Christians - the intersection of theology and abuse.
Physical Impacts of Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse is physical abuse through the implications of how trauma impacts the brain but how one can find healing and wholeness. Tabitha talks about how domestic abuse and coercive control can impact our physical selves.
5-4-3-2-1 Exercise - If you’d like a copy, you can get it here!
The Importance of Healing and Community
We desperately need community in our healing journey. Tabitha talks about how to find healthy community after domestic abuse.
Depp v Heard Thoughts
Domestic violence hit the headlines with the Depp v Heard trial. Here, two experts talk the trial, evidence at the time, and thoughts (this video was recorded during the course of the trial and not all evidence had as yet been presented).
EMDR Resourcing Demo
Have you ever wondered what EMDR looks like in practice? This is a great demonstration done by Tabitha Westbrook that can give you a bit of an idea!
Focusing Your Mind After Abuse
Focus after abuse can be compromised - our brains are everywhere! In this interview, Tabitha talks about calming your mind. Tabitha was a speaker at the Called to Peace Ministries 2022 He Makes All Things New Women’s Retreat.
Co-parenting with an Abuser
Co-parenting when a relationship ends can be hard, but when your ex-partner is abusive it can be really hard. Here are some strategies.
Dealing with Overwhelming Emotions Depression, Anxiety, Fear, & more
When we've been mistreated we can become overwhelmed with emotion. How do you handle anxiety or sadness that seems to want to overtake you? Or maybe you just feel numb. How do you handle that? Join Joy's interview with certified trauma therapist Tabitha Westbrook to learn ways to help regulate your emotions and to move forward in your healing process.
Healing from Trauma & PTSD
Survivors of domestic violence, emotional abuse and childhood trauma often deal with either PTSD or C-PTSD (complex trauma) that can make us feel we could never heal, but with God all things are possible. In this interview with Tabitha Westbrook (Certified Clinical Trauma Professional), we talk about some of the keys to healing from trauma. Tabitha spoke at the Called to Peace Spring 2018 conference, Beauty for Ashes.

Equipped to Care Podcast
Tabitha was a guest with Chris Moles on the Equipped to Care podcast. Learn more about how you can take every thought captive & stop letting your mind control you.
Peaceworks Podcast Episode 220
Join Tabitha as she talks about the impact of trauma with Chris Moles.
Peaceworks Podcast Episode 221
Join Tabitha as she talks about church and counselor cooperation with Chris Moles.
Code4 Couples Podcast
October is Domestic Violence awareness month making it the perfect time to have the conversation. Not only about domestic violence, but a real conversation about ….